Thursday, December 17, 2015

Just Thinking of you Guys

Hey guys,
     All your stuff sounds awesome! Hannah's Christmas thing was good and Scott's diaper trick was interesting. I got your packages and a few more pictures for you guys. Thank you so much for all the stuff, it's awesome. Thanks for the pictures guys, I'm hanging them up today since it's my P-Day. Our kohai got here! We got an elder the day before and he stayed with us for the night. He's really cool, his name is Manapori Choro and the other one is Craig Choro. They're the only elders we get, the rest are sisters. A lot of our kohai came from New Zealand and Australia so their accents are cool. Anyway they're all fun and cool. Our teacher won tickets to Star Wars on the radio so we don't have any classes today. Which is awesome. We're just going to use the time to plan our lessons and just make them really good. We haven't been up to much lately, just learning Japanese and teaching. Although we do teach 3 times a week in English. We taught a guy yesterday and the lesson was just straight ballin'. It went so well! We all taught an even amount and everything just came so naturally and we all felt the spirit and it was really cool. So tell me more, what have you guys been doing?  How's gymnastics? How's school for everybody? How many dates has Dallin been on there in the island of Brokinawa? Just thinking of you guys.
    Love ya, Tanner

Awesome, thanks. I'll check the mail today for the other package. We haven't battled yet but today is P-Day so we have a lot of down time. Things will probably happen. Thanks again for sending me stuff. We really needed that CC Lemon. My companion's been kind of sick lately but you can ask Grant about that. I sent him and email. Dallin too. By the way did Dallin send me his ocarina? That's really nice of him, we all sure enjoy it. I was playing it in class yesterday. Also the pictures were really cool from Scott and Hannah. Hannah's heart pineapples are really cool and Scott's mega Charizard is super cool too. I'll send you a video if we play with them today.

Hi Grant,
What's up! I heard you rocked a concert for the Marines on Hansen. How was that? What else have you been up to, I don't hear about what you do for fun much. 2 nights ago I rubbed my companions back while he threw u in a trash can. That was fun. We ended up locked out of our room after that and had to call security to let us in. So we just sat there in our underwear while he threw up until they gave us medicine and unlocked our room. Have you done anything like that? I've been doing good lately, teaching and stuff.
Anyway I love you.

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