Monday, November 28, 2016

Why it's called The Best 2 Years

Hey everybody.
     This week is a particularly special week but I'll save he best for last.
     First off, I have a pointy nose. I've been told over and over and over again that it's my best feature. I now look at it in the mirror all the time and since I'm surrounded by Japanese, Chinese, or Filipinos who all have cute little button noses, I feel like I have a giant nose now. Never felt that way before but with all the talk that goes on about people coveting my nose it just feels too big for my face now. Anyway, thought you might find it interesting that my nose of all noses is the most desired for miles and miles in any direction.
     This week we had Splits with the Chosei Elders. They came up and we had a great time. Elder Hiatt and I rode our bikes out an hour into the middle of nowhere to teach one of our investigators who is preparing for baptism. His name is Mikami and he's a rice farmer. Now you probably have this image in your mind of a scrawny, hunched over man wearing the pointy hat. No. He's stereotypically short, but he's got giant solid muscles. He may be 60 something years old, but he could still beat me up and kick me out of his house if he wanted to. Luckily he likes whenever I come visit him. He invited us in and in our previous lessons with him we had kind of just taught him any principle that seemed to apply to the moment. But this time we decided we were going to teach a full lesson from start to finish with no breaks or side tracks. So we sat down and taught him the Restoration in full. All important details added, invitation to church, teaching how to pray, everything. Of course we didn't just shove it all down his throat, we had a discussion and he asked really good questions. We were able to help him understand why we're asking him to do certain things like read and pray and so he was able to fully accept our invitations. He's getting baptized on Christmas and if I'm still around I'll get to do it. I love getting to bust out the font. Which brings me to another funny thing. Our Branch is small so we don't have a real building. That means no font. However, we do have a big box. And in that box goes a kiddie pool. And in that kiddie pool goes the new convert. I dare say that that kiddie pool has helped more people receive salvation than any other kiddie pool. Anyway, we built the font on Saturday and it was the most fun I've ever had blowing up a kiddie pool. They have a foot pump instead of an electric pump so you kind of have to jump up and down (with excitement) over and over again for like 10 minutes. It was way fun.
     Finally, Sunday morning came. And it was raining! I had prayed for this for weeks. I was so happy. Since that probably sounds weird to you let me explain. Jonivar is a painter. He paints giant electric towers outside. If it rains he has the day off. So God rained down the blessings and Jonivar came to church! Yi also came to church but more what made it cooler is she brought a friend! Her friend's name is Tai and she had never been to church before and was pretty confused. I'm the Gospel Principles teacher so if an investigator shows up I get to have a lesson during church in front of all the members. Well Tai came so that's what happened. Now usually Elder Wilcox and I teach together, but he has trouble with the Gospel Principles lessons because they're hard so I just have a whiteboard companion once a week. That and I can call on any random member as a temporary companion at a any time. It's awesome. Anyway, the Branch did really well at helping me teach her. They kind of threw a lot at her all at once but it was good because she looked at me completely and totally lost. Thus giving me the opportunity to say, "I know it's a lot fast, but we can teach you any day of the week with your friend Yi. Would you be interested in that?" Well she doesn't want to be confused forever so of course she agreed to learn more. She participated in church and really enjoyed it despite being a little lost. After church got done she came over and asked, "Would it be ok if I came again?" "YES! I mean, yes you are free to come anytime." After church was the baptismal service. We all got in our white clothes and sang together and Yi kept telling me, "I don't know why, but I'm nervous." And I said, "You think you're nervous? I freaking out over here. But I'm excited and it's a good nervous." I got to baptize my best friend, Wenting Yi, and it was honestly the most fulfilling moment of my life. Right afterwards I was able to see Elder Wilcox baptize another amazing friend, Jonivar Layang. Everyone was so happy and Yi's friend, Tai, was crying though she didn't know why. After we changed and dried off we got to hear Yi and Jonivar's testimonies. It was such a blessing to see how pure they both are as they stood there testifying of their beliefs. Jonivar tried hard not to cry, and while he may have done it I sure struggled. It was just such a special experience that I don't know how to describe. The feeling just filled me up and I had complete and full joy. This is why I came here. To find my friends who have been waiting to hear how much God loves them and wants them back. To teach them how to do it. And then to walk with them on that path. I'm SO thankful to be here at this time. A lot of people kept saying, "Congratulations congratulations" but none of it was me. It was all them. I'm just so blessed to have been around to see it. I know this church is true. I know this is God's work for the salvation of His children. I know that I'm exactly where I need to be right now and I'm unspeakably grateful to be here. I love you all. I love this church. And I typed all this from the pulpit over here in the name of Jesus Christ, Amen.

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